Bullet Resistance


While no security film by itself is bullet resistant, and 12 mm glass by itself is not bullet resistant, the combination of PROFILON® AX-A1 on conventional 12 mm glass offers a degree of bullet resistance.
When properly applied by a factory trained installer, PROFILON® AX-A1 is able to stop .38, .45 and 9mm bullets fired directly at the glass from about 10 m.
PROFILON® is widely accepted as an alternative to bullet proof glass. When applied to various thicknesses of glass, PROFILON® will need different minimum ballistic capabilities, which in turn reduces the thickness of the glass and saves weight.
PROFILON® is certified in Europe to upgrade bullet resistant glazing, which saves significant weight and thickness. For more details please contact us.



Warning: Ballistic applications of PROFILON® depend upon very specific criteria. Ballistic applications of PROFILON® are shown, only to demonstrate the strength of the product, not to imply that all applications of PROFILON® have ballistic capabilities. Check with your factory trained PROFILON® dealer. The performance criteria of the product must be established in each case. You should satisfy yourself with an actual demonstration of product performance before proceeding.